Nutrition, Overweight & Local Fat

What is the best diet? The diet that manages to combine fast fat loss with easy maintenance of the result. And at the same time the diet that increases the basic metabolism and that allows a total detoxification (see holistic detoxification – Exclusive Method by Dr. Sofoklis Hadjimoissis). Furthermore, it must have a food pattern – all the macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) and micronutrients (minerals, vitamins, trace elements – that provides health benefits and well-being, with few calories.

  • Μεσογειακή και αποτοξινωτική διατροφή χαμηλών θερμίδων
  • Χωρίς το αίσθημα της πείνας και της αδυναμίας
  • Σημαντική μείωση του βάρους αποκλειστικά από λιπώδη ιστό
  • Εικοσαετής επαγγελματική εμπειρία
  • Εκπαίδευση στη διατροφική – διαιτητική αγωγή
  • Συντήρηση του αποτελέσματος
  • Αποτοξινωτική και βιολογική προσέγγιση

Nutritional programs for specific groups of people:

  • for people with infertility and anorexia
  • for the third and fourth age – Frailty Syndrome
  • for obese or people with normal weight that are in the fasting period of pre-Easter, without the feeling of exhaustion
  • for those who want to lose fat

Adjustment of dietary intervention in patients with diabetes mellitus, increased cholesterol – triglycerides or hypertension.

Lipo-therapy aims to reduce fat in certain body areas eg cellulite. The treatment is achieved by the use of a fine needle of 6-8 mm (millimeter) in length, where Dr. Hadjimoissis put natural substances that are used to activate the mechanisms of lipodialysis, in order to have a quick desired effect, which it would be difficult to achieve it with a long-term diet.

PERSONALISED THERAPEUTIC APPROACH The treatment of overweight and obesity is the most common problem in aesthetic medicine. The Mediterranean diet as well as other nutritional approaches such as Atkins diet, etc. are associated with some health benefits but also with some disadvantages that make it difficult to deal successfully with the problem.

The goal of an effective nutritional program is to dramatically reduce fat without muscle and bone loss, while induce the tightening and the shining of the skin. The nutritional program involves apart from fruits, vegetables and “noble” proteins (from fish or chicken), essential amino acids from organic cultures of beans, in personalized doses that leave no nitrogen residues, so that they do not harm liver and kidney function.

After several years of research and professional experience, Dr. Sofoklis Hadjimoissis introduce a therapeutic dietary program with multiple health benefits:

  • Maximum weight loss, exclusively from fat (10% fat reduction in the first month, 30% fat reduction in the first semester)
  • Maintenance of muscle and bone mass
  • No sense of hunger
  • Better skin
  • Feeling of psychosomatic well-being
  • Rich in nutrients diet without nitrogen residues (protection of renal, hepatic and intestinal function)
  • Nutrition abundant in fruits and vegetables
  • Detox and biological approach
  • Anti-aging