Arthropathy. Restoring Mobility.
A functional body. Arthropathies and musculoskeletal problems generally affect the whole population. They include chronic pain conditions (eg, neck, knee, waist) but there are also individual cases that occur after an injury.
All of the unpleasant symptoms, mainly pain and stiffness, affect the quality of our lives and our daily lives. Often, arthropathy is treated in the wrong way when preventive treatment is incomplete or when there is no comprehensive holistic approach to its treatment.
The treatment. Often, arthropathies are referred to senile arthritis, although are not affecting only middle-aged people and elderly. Therapy emphasizes in anti-aging therapies of the affected tissues, aiming at restoring effectively the damage and not just stopping the pain (eg use of painkillers).
At the same time, we avoid as far as possible other known anti-inflammatory treatments, which are toxic to the body and affect the restoring of the affected area.